Blog: 16 Days of Activism. What are we doing?
20 Nov 2023
Blog: 16 Days of Activism: What Are We Doing?
We invite you to take part in the 16 Days of Activism: End Domestic Abuse campaign from 25 November - 10 December 2023.
16 Days of Action: Let’s work together to stop violence against women and girls.
The 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence is an international campaign that runs from 25th November (United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10th of December (Human Rights Day).
This time is the optimal time observe, speak out and spread awareness about domestic abuse and the support services available across Aberdeen and how Grampian Women’s Aid supports women.
Grampian Women’s Aid focus is Domestic Abuse. But during the 16 Days of Activism, we want to raise awareness against all forms of violence against women and girls. This includes domestic abuse, stalking, rape and sexual assault, child sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, forced marriage; child marriage, sex trafficking, pornography, prostitution, and other forms of violence against women and girls.
Some Facts about violence against women and girls
Most violence against women is perpetrated by current or former husbands or intimate partners.
Over640 million or 26% of women aged 15 and older have been subjected to intimate partner violence.
A woman is killed every three days in the UK by a partner or ex-partner.
In 2021-22, 64,807 domestic abuse incidents were recorded by Police Scotland. In 81% of the cases a woman was abused by a man.
In the same period there were 1,544 domestic abuse incidents recorded by the Police in Aberdeen.
Significant underreporting of domestic abuse with young people aged 16-25.
In Aberdeen, young people continue to be the ‘hidden’ victims of domestic abuse, with only 1% of those aged under 18-year-old accessing support services.
And this is just the evidence of a much larger problem...
We are inviting organisations and individuals to join the campaign.
Throughout the 16 Days, we invite everyone to learn more about domestic abuse, who it affects, and how to help to support.
The online resources and awareness-raising materials will be available on our website from today at the end of this article, which you can use at your workplace and community.
There has never been a more important time to show your support to End Domestic Abuse. The more we are aware and speak out on domestic abuse, the greater chance we have of keeping all women and girls safe.
Grampian Women’s Aid hopes to see you at Reclaim the Night on the 25th of November and the Women’s Health & Wellbeing Fair on the 28th of November. We will be raising awareness for the 16 Days period. We invite you to use the hashtags #EndDomesticAbuse #16Days #LightUp #imagine and tag us in your social media if you would like to raise awareness. Let’s work together to end violence against women and young girls in Aberdeen, Scotland and beyond.
16 Days Toolkit
Hashtags to use on social media
Further Reading
UN Women (2022). Facts and figures: Ending violence against women. [online] UN Women. Available at:[Accessed 26 October 2026].
Simpson, L. and ACC (12AD). Project End Report 10.6: Increase by 15% victims of domestic abuse receiving support by November 2022. [online] Community Planning Aberdeen. Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2023].