Blog: 16 Days of Activism Campaign
23 Nov 2023
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence (GBV)in Scotland 2023: Imagine a Scotland without GBV
Every year, from November 25th to December 10th, the world comes together to participate in the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign. This initiative aims to raise awareness about gender-based violence and advocate for its elimination. In Scotland, this campaign takes on a unique character, with a specific focus on local activities and initiatives that address the issue. The year 2023 brings an exciting theme to the campaign, "Imagine a Scotland without GBV," which will serve as the driving force for activities during these 16 days.
The History
The "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign has a history that brings the world together. Starting on25th of November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and concludes on 10thof December (International Human Rights Day). This period symbolizes a time for communities and individuals to unite against gender-based violence and take action. Over the years, the campaign has evolved to create different forms of advocacy, support for survivors, education, and awareness-raising efforts.
16 Days of Activism in Scotland
For 2023, the international theme is "UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls." This theme calls for robust responses, including investment in prevention strategies. To complement the global campaign, the National VAW Network has developed a toolkit of resources that will add value to local 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaigns across Scotland. You can also play your part if you like.
Resources here
Key Themes for 16 Days 2023: Imagine a Scotland without Gender-Based Violence
This year, the main theme is "Imagine a Scotland without GBV." It will serve as the strapline and prompt for activities throughout the campaign. Stakeholders have identified a desire to focus on children and young people, encouraging work with education settings to address challenging issues in these areas. Grampian Women’s Aid will focus on Women and children.
The campaign will include various local and national activities, with an emphasis on engaging and listening to people around the "Imagine" theme. A set of prompt questions is provided in the toolkit for stakeholders to create their own content and campaign materials.
In addition to the "Imagine" theme, some National VAW Network and partners will continue the "Light Up" theme, which was first used in 2021. The "Light Up" theme aims to shine a spotlight on the issue of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). It encourages people to get involved using awareness-raising and community-led activities, such as lighting up buildings or holding candle-lit vigils.
What is Grampian Women’s Aid doing?
Reclaim the Night
Grampian Women’s Aid are delighted to attend the Reclaim the Night event, raising awareness of the importance of gender-based violence.
Aileen Forbes, manager at Grampian Women’s Aid expressed that “the women and girls from an early age are told how we should prevent rape, assault, and abuse. We are told to it’s our fault and we must change, and we are responsible to prevent the abuse towards women. We are told to do things such as change our clothing, carry personal security devices, have our phones charged, not walk alone and not to go out at night, the list is endless, and even though we do all these things it is never enough. Women are still subject to rape, assault and murder and society still tell us to do more, enough is enough. This is not just a women’s issue this is a gender-based violence issue for all. "
Reclaim the night, is about women making a stand and calling society to action, we ask for change, we ask for men and boys to engage in the action for change. This is not about women taking over, this is not about women making unreasonable demands. It is about all women being treated as equal, with equal opportunities and rights. We want women and girls to feel safe in our society to go about their day to day lives free from fear of abuse, assault and rape.
During these 16 Days of Action Grampian Women’s Aid join the #Imagine campaign and ask you to; imagine a society where women and girls live free from fear of abuse, imagine not reading harrowing reports of another rape, assault, or murder of innocent women.”
Save the Date
Reclaim the Night march in Aberdeen on Saturday 25th November. The march begins at 8pm from St Nicholas (outside Marks & Spencer) and ends at Union Terrace Gardens. You are invited to take part in the march which believe is designed as family friendly so please feel free to bring children and/or friends.
Women’s Health & Wellbeing Fair
Grampian Women’s Aid are excited to participate at the Women’s Health & Wellbeing Fair in Aberdeen. After a successful event in 2022 we are back on Tuesday the 28th of November 2023 at Cowdry Hall, just beside the Art Gallery.
This is a not-for-profit event, aiming to engage the women in Aberdeen into taking an active role in looking after their own health and wellbeing.
There will be exhibitors across the statuary and voluntary sector, giving a range of advice and informal discussion. There will also be workshops, meditation sessions, Reiki, Gel nails, arts & crafts, and refreshments. All free of charge. This year we are hoping to bring more women together, giving them the right advice and tools to put health and Wellbeing into their hands.
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign in Scotland aims to be a powerful and inspiring driver for change in 2023. The "Imagine a Scotland without GBV" theme, along with the "Light Up" activities, will bring attention to this critical issue and engage the community in conversations, advocacy, and support for those affected by gender-based violence. Together, we can work towards a world where gender-based violence is outdated, and every woman and girl can live free from fear and harm.
To get involved with Grampian Women’s Aid and join the global movement to eliminate gender-based violence.
Domestic abuse and the workplace
In collaboration, Xodus and Grampian Women’s Aid are hosting training sessions to raise awareness and provide support around the implementation of the Domestic Abuse Support Policy for Xodus employees. The Global Policy creates a safe place for employees to disclose abuse.
Social Media Awareness
We will continue to raise awareness throughout the 16 Days of Action throughout our social media channels the "Imagine a Scotland without GBV" theme, along with the "Light Up" activities, and aim to bring attention to this critical issue and engage the community of Aberdeenshire in conversations, advocacy, and support for those women and children affected by gender-based violence. Together, we can work towards a world where gender-based violence is outdated, and every woman and girl can live free from fear and harm.
Join us on social media and add the hashtags:
#LightUp (for reclaim the Night)