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Our Impact - Meg's Story

3 Sep 2018 Article Image

We first became aware of Meg's* situation when a concerned family member contacted us from abroad. She was worried that Meg's partner was subjecting her to abuse at their home and hoped we could offer some advice and assistance.

The family member contacted Meg who agreed to meet with us to discuss how we could support her moving forward.

The Abuse

At our first meeting, Meg disclosed several incidents of violence and explained how she had been abused physically, emotionally and financially for the past three years. The abuse began when she was pregnant, and her partner had found many ways to control her, including threatening to kill her on more than one occasion.

Meg still lived with her partner and young son and was extremely afraid of the potential repercussions of talking to us. She disclosed that she often had to report where she had been and who she had been with, and that her phone was constantly monitored. Meg was encouraged by her partner to give up work and sell her car which ensured she was fully dependent on him. She felt isolated and scared and had limited access to money to support herself and her son.

Moving Forward

Once in refuge, we supported Meg and her son as they planned their new life. We assisted Meg with applying for benefit entitlement, registering with a GP and finding a nursery group for her son. Initially, Meg found it difficult to cope and accept that she couldn't return to her previous life, but our women's workers maintained regular contact with Meg and supported her through every challenge she faced.

After several months working with Meg, we helped her to secure a job that she loved and to find a permanent home. We created a budget to assist her with managing bills, rent and day-to-day expenses and regularly checked that Meg and her son were happy, comfortable and safe in their home and new life.

The perpetrator pled guilty and was sentenced.

*Meg's name has been changed to protect her identity

If you are experiencing abuse, Grampian Women’s Aid are here to support you.  Contact us by calling 01224 593381 or emailing info@grampian-womens-aid.com or completing the online form HERE 

When our phone lines are closed, Scotland’s Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage helpline is always available on 0800 027 1234, email helpline@sdafmh.org.uk or on Web Chat HERE