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Leaving a gift in your will

Leaving a legacy to Grampian Women’s Aid can help to changes the lives of women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse

We are humbled that people very generously leave gifts to Grampian Women’s Aid to enable us to continue our work. We are very grateful for any gift you leave, and all donations will help us continue our vital work.

There are three different ways you can leave a gift to Grampian Women’s Aid:

  • Residuary gift, this means you can leave a percentage or share of your estate. For example, you could leave 12% or 1/6 of your total wealth.

  • Pecuniary gift, this means a lump sum. You might choose to leave a fixed amount of money to Grampian Women's Aid, such as £100, £1,000, or £10,000.

  • Specific gift, this means you leave a specified item of value in your will. For example, you might leave antique, jewellery, or shares to us.

Please consult a professional solicitor for further advice and to help you with the arrangements you wish to make. You can find a solicitor in your area here: https://www.lawscot.org.uk/find-a-solicitor/

We are aware that leaving a gift in your will is a very important decision to make and we are more than happy to further discuss any queries you may have.

Please contact info@grampianwomensaid.com with your queries.  You can also contact us using our online form.