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What We Offer

We provide 1:1 support for children and young people who:

  • live in one of our refuges, which is a safe house, with their mother/carer
  • moving out of the refuge with their mother/carer
  • live in their own homes or elsewhere.

You will be supported by your own experienced key worker who will regularly meet with you throughout your support journey. Our team are highly skilled and equipped to provide a specialist tailored programme of support to work alongside you.

What happens at 1:1 support?

Your key worker will meet with you, and you will get to know one another better.  Together you will cover more in-depth work about your experiences and suggest ways to help. If you would like this support to continue during the holidays, it can, if it is safe to do so.

If you would like us to, we can advocate for you, where we pass on your thoughts and views to others professionals and agencies.

Holiday Groups

We occasionally organise holiday groups for you to have the time and space to meet other children and young people who have had similar experiences to you and importantly you can have a break and have fun.

Sharing you information

Only relevant information will be shared with others and only with other professionals that genuinely need to know. Our child protection policy will be discussed with you so that you understand when we will share your information and why.

Service Development

We welcome your views about your experiences and what you have liked or disliked about support from our service. This is important so that we can make any changes to ensure that our service is inclusive and helpful for all children and young people.

If you would like to help develop our service, please email info@grampianwomensaid.com.

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