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MARAC Advocacy Service

What is a MARAC?

A MARAC ( Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) is a regular meeting where information is shared on high risk domestic abuse cases between representatives of local services and organisations. Any frontline agency representative that undertakes a risk assessment with a victim, and determines that their case meets the high risk threshold, can refer a victim’s case to a local MARAC.

At the brief meeting, after sharing all information relating to the domestic abuse, the representatives discuss options for increasing the safety of the victim and turn these into a co-ordinated action plan.

The focus of the MARAC is to safeguard the victim. The MARAC may also make links with other organisations to safeguard children and manage the behaviour of the perpetrator.

At the heart of a MARAC is the working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a victim, but all may have insights that are crucial to their safety. The victim does not attend the meeting but is instead represented by a specialist domestic abuse advocate who speaks on their behalf.

 What is a Domestic Abuse Advocate?

The victim is represented at the MARAC by an advocate often referred to as an Independent domestic abuse advocate (IDAA) or a MARAC advocate. The advocate is an independent voice and will contact the victim in advance of the meeting to gather their thoughts, opinions and wishes to be shared at the meeting. The advocate also acts as a link between the victim and other agencies in order to support the victim in reaching her outcomes. The advocate will talk to the victim about her safety and offer support to make a plan that ensures the victim feels fully informed about the options for keeping herself safe.

The advocate will share the victims voice at the MARAC and following the meeting, will feedback to the victim any action plans or relevant information. The advocate may also make onward referrals for the victim to ensure her preferred outcomes are being met. 

Grampian Womens Aid provide the MARAC advocacy service for the Aberdeenshire area. You may be served by an alternative agency if you are in Aberdeen City.

If you wish to contact the advocate please call us on 01224 593381 or via email info@grampian-womens-aid.com

If you are a professional and want to refer someone to MARAC, please contact the Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire MARAC Co-Ordinator at MARACGrampian@scotland.pnn.police.uk

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